A cleaner design was proposed for the main page, focusing on the necessary details.
Updated blocks for new products and top sellers. We focused the customer's vision on the brands presented in the store and made the part related to the branching of price segments clearer, so that the user could choose the segment that suits him the most.
Also showed the most popular watches on the main page and changed the vision of how certification of new arrivals is done.
World of Luxury
Branded watches, exquisite jewelry, designer pens and other accessories

Home page of the online store
A cleaner design was proposed for the main page, focusing on the necessary details.
Updated blocks for new products and top sellers. We focused the customer's vision on the brands presented in the store and made the part related to the branching of price segments clearer, so that the user could choose the segment that suits him the most.
Also showed the most popular watches on the main page and changed the vision of how certification of new arrivals is done.

The new slider layouts reflect the aesthetics of the premium segment and draw attention to special offers and promotions on the main page.

We created an adaptive version of the site, which would not just be a reduced version of the desktop version, but would be comfortable for the user of a mobile device and meet generally accepted standards of user experience.
Product page
Completely updated the product page, which added information about the product, which was not previously displayed, but was necessary for obtaining a full understanding of the product, which also managed to reduce the load on the support service.
Reworked the product description, reducing the large amount of text that was read by relatively few users but took up a lot of screen space.

A new UI was developed for the catalog, which corresponds to the new concept of the site.
New, flexible filters have been created so that the user can customize them as he likes.

The product cards, which have also been reworked to meet the requirements of modern design, preserve all the necessary details for a preliminary familiarization with the product, which makes it possible to understand exactly what is offered for purchase.